
Coach Li Huahua

Coach Kim

Coach Yong Hi Kim

Coach Kim has coached at several renowned fencing clubs in Korea since 2014. Many of his students have won medals in competitions across Korea and Asia. Bachelor of Physical Education, certified fencing coach, and referee.

Coach Jon

Coach Jon Li

Jonathan started fencing in 2008 with Coach Huahua Li and evolved into a provincial champion. He is an Ontario Fencing Association Community Instructor and a trained foil coach who has coached many students, including gold medalists in the Ontario University Athletics Championship. Jonathan also graduated from the Business Technology Management (BTS) Program at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Coach David

Assistant Coach David Chen-Li

David started training in foil fencing with Coach Huahua Li at the age of 12. He has since made some notable accomplishments in national and international tournaments including silver and bronze medal wins in the Canada Cup, as well as competing in the Euro Cup fencing tournaments. He is currently a University of Toronto student.

Coach Edward

Assistant Coach Edward Li

Edward started training in foil fencing with Coach Huahua Li at a young age. He is currently a University of Toronto student.

Our coaches work with fencers to develop individualized training plans, ensuring that they develop their skills and abilities through dynamic programs.

All club members, including parents, work as a team, always ready to help each other. Through training, fencers build friendships, develop their identities, and discover their full potential.